Rules of Order

  1. Purpose and Scope of Bylaws

1.1. The purpose of the Bylaws of the Youth Eco-Movement of Georgia (hereinafter SAEM) is to regulate the internal relations of the SAEM for the management of the SAEM board and the working groups created by it, the relations of the full members and associate members of the SAEM with the leading bodies of the SAEM and each other.
1.2. All SAEM full members, associate members, SAEM board, coordinators of working groups, paid staff and volunteers of SAEM projects are obliged to be thoroughly familiar with and fully comply with the conditions defined in these bylaws.

2. Duties of Board Members

2.1. Each member of the board is obliged to actively participate in the management process of SAEM during the entire period of their authority.
2.2. Participation in the board meeting is the obligation of the board member. If a board member is unable to attend a current or special meeting of the board, he can delegate the right to vote to one of the board members. In such a case, at least 1 day before the meeting, he must inform the President of the SAEM in writing which member he will equip with his right to vote at the board meeting.
2.3. In the event that a member of the board is unable to participate in the activities of the board of the association for a long time, he must apply in writing to the board at least 14 days before the next meeting.
2.4. If a member of the board of directors voluntarily leaves the board, he does not have the obligation to make an explanation about the reasons for leaving.
2.5. Board members are prohibited from using the name, resources and means of SAEM for personal needs. If there is such a member of the board, his authority may be terminated due to a gross violation of the bylaws of the SAEM.
2.6. Board members do not receive remuneration for the work performed by the SAEM, however, the Board may, depending on the feasibility, reimburse the cost of communication, transportation, food and hotel expenses of the board member, regional or sectoral coordinator while performing the work specified for the SAEM.

  1. Duties of the President

3.1. The president of SAEM meticulously and conscientiously executes the decisions of the board, informs the board about the current activities of the association, submits to the board for review and approval the draft of current decisions, a report on the current state of the SAEM action plan and operating budget.
3.2. The president of the SAEM timely informs the real members of the SAEM about the decisions of the SAEM board. For this, within 5 working days, he accordingly provides information to the real members of the SAEM.
3.3. The president of SAEM provides timely and regular information to the members about the events planned in the country and abroad, as well as other necessary information, so that the SAEM members can timely inform the board about their interest in participating in this or that event.
3.4. The SAEM President shall present to the Board a list of active SAEM members who should be prioritized for informational, resource or training support.
3.5. The president of SAEM is prohibited from using the association’s name, resources and means for personal needs. If such exists, the board is entitled to immediately suspend his authority due to a gross violation of the bylaws and to address the general meeting with a recommendation on his election.

4. Duties of the True Member

4.1. A true member is obliged to faithfully follow the bylaws of the SAEM, participate in the general meeting of the SAEM and other ongoing events, provide proposals, advice and notes to the board to improve the activities of the SAEM.
4.2. A true member is obliged to complete SAEM training courses and programs in good faith, fully and with quality. A true member is strictly prohibited from interrupting a study course organized with the financing or co-financing of SAEM without a valid reason. A genuine member is obliged to notify the person responsible for financing or co-financing the course at least 48 hours in advance of non-participation in the planned training course. In case of non-attendance at the training course or termination during its course, the true member is obliged to fully reimburse the cost of the training course. In case of termination or non-attendance of the training course without a valid reason, the president is obliged to immediately inform the board about the violation; On the other hand, the Board of Directors is obliged to suspend the membership of a real member until the next session of the general assembly due to the violation of the bylaws of the SAEM and to recommend to the general meeting about his expulsion in accordance with the statutes of the SAEM.
4.3. A true member is prohibited from using the SAEM name, resources and facilities for personal needs. In case of such incident, the board can suspend the member’s membership until the next session of the general assembly due to a gross violation of the bylaws of the SAEM, recommend to the general assembly the expulsion of the member in accordance with 3.8 and 3.9 articles of the SAEM statute.
4.4. A true member is obliged to pay the membership fee on time. In case of 14 days delay in payment of the membership fee, the President shall notify the Board of Directors in accordance with Article 3.7 of the Charter On the automatic termination of membership.

  1. Duties of an Associate Member

5.1. An associate member is obliged to follow the bylaws of the SAEM, can participate without the right to vote in the general meeting of the SAEM and other current events, provide suggestions, advice and notes to the board for improving the activities of the SAEM.
5.2. An associate member is prohibited from using the name, resources and facilities of the association for personal needs. In case of such incident, the board can suspend the member’s membership until the next session of the general meeting due to a gross violation of the bylaws of the association, recommend to the general meeting to expel the member accordance with 3.8 and 3.9 articles of the SAEM statute.
5.3. The associate member is obliged to pay the membership fee on time. In case of delay in payment of the membership fee for more than 14 days, the Executive Secretary shall notify the Board of the automatic termination of membership in accordance with Article 3.7 of the Charter.

6. Limitation of Liability

6.1. The members, board and employees of SAEM take care in every way to limit the liability of SAEM and each of its members, for which, according to the need, they provide written or verbal information to users and partners in advance about the current situation and warn about expected threats or problems.

7. Protection of Privacy

7.1. The principle of confidentiality and internal information protection applies in SAEM. All SAEM members, management boards, presidents and hired employees are obliged to scrupulously, fully and conscientiously protect the confidentiality of issues and information established by the governing bodies of the association, the disclosure of which will harm the interests of SAEM as a whole, each of its members, partners or third parties.
7.2. Violation of the principle of confidentiality will be considered a gross violation of the bylaws. In case of detection of such a violation, the management board receives a recommendation for the termination of the authority at the next meeting for the general assembly and applies to the general assembly for making a decision in accordance with the statutes of the SAEM.

  1. Collegiality

8.1. All SAEM members undertake to take responsibility for their activities, refrain from confrontation with SAEM members or other colleagues, take care of their support and receive similar support based on the principles of collegiality and cooperation of SAEM.
8.2. Violation of the principle of collegiality will be considered a gross violation of this bylaw. In case of detection of such a violation, the management board receives a recommendation at the next session and applies to the general session regarding termination of authority. The general assembly makes a decision on the basis of the recommendation of the board, and in accordance with articles 3.8 and 3.9 of the Charter of the SAEM.

9. Law-abiding

9.1. All members of the SAEM, Board of Directors, Executive Secretary undertake that they will carry out their activities in full compliance with the law, responsibly and conscientiously, and refrain from any action or activity that may lead to a violation of the law.
9.2. All SAEM members, boards, members of working groups and committees, hired employees and volunteers are prohibited from engaging in open conflict with any person, regardless of whether they are SAEM members or not. Moreover, it is categorically not allowed to inflict any verbal or physical abuse, or any other behavior inappropriate for the association, which is a clear and gross violation of the principle of obeying the law, the Code of Ethics of the SAEM, the Statute of the SAEM, generally recognized norms of ethics and the law.
9.3. Violation of the principle of compliance with the law will be considered a gross violation of these bylaws. In case of detection of such a violation, the management board at the next meeting: receives a recommendation on the termination of authority and applies to the general assembly for the appropriate decision on expulsion in accordance with the article 3.8 of the Charter of the SAEM.

  1. Access to information for members

10.1. The President and Vice-President of the SAEM shall ensure immediate delivery of the Board’s decisions to the true members of the SAEM. For this purpose, the President and Vice-President shall archive the protocols and other records of the meetings and provide them in electronic form to the true members upon request.
10.2. To request specific information about the decision of the board, the real member applies in writing to the board, and the written document is handed over by the president or vice-president for registration of the documents and for further submission to the board.
10.3. A true SAEM member requesting information confirms in writing that it will ensure that the information is kept confidential, if any.

11. Consideration of members’ needs and complaints

11.1. The President of the SAEM ensures timely delivery of information about the current needs of the members to the board members.
11.2. A member of the SAEM applies in writing to the board about the existence of needs or complaints, and submits the written document to the executive secretary for registration of documents and for further submission to the board.
11.3. The president of the SAEM is obliged to provide the information about the proposal, request or complaint received in writing from the member of the association to the board within 3 working days.
11.4. The board of SAEM is obliged to discuss the proposal, request or complaint received from the member at the nearest meeting of the board, to make the appropriate decision and instruct the president to inform the member about the decision in writing.

12. Entry into force and termination of the Bylaws

12.1. The bylaws enter into force only by the decision of the general assembly of the SAEM.

12.2. In order to properly ensure the publicity of the bylaws, the text of the bylaws is available to all members in the Georgian language for general information upon receipt by the general assembly of the SEM. If necessary, members can request a translation of the text of the bylaws into their preferred language.

12.3. Bylaws lose their validity if the new bylaws explicitly state this, or if the old bylaws conflict with the new ones; Or, if the relationship regulated by the bylaws no longer exists.