
  1. General Statements

1.1. The Youth Eco-Movement of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as “SAEM”) is a non-governmental, non-commercial, voluntary organization based on independent self-governance in Georgia, which unites private individuals and is a public organization under its legal status.
1.2. The main goal of SAEM is to raise the environmental awareness of Georgian youth and involve them in environmental activities.
1.3. SAEM conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution of Georgia, current legislation and its charter.
1.4. The activities of SAEM are carried out on the principles of self-remuneration, self-financing and self-governance.
1.5. SAEM is a legal entity, has settlement and currency accounts in banking institutions, round seal and other paraphernalia.
1.6. SAEM enjoys all the rights that non-governmental, non-commercial, non-political organizations in Georgia have as legal entities.
1.7. SAEM can acquire property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf and assume obligations to appear as a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and mediation courts.
1.8 SAEM is responsible for its obligations with all its property.
1.9. SAEM is not responsible for the obligations of the state and its bodies. Just as the state and its bodies are not responsible for the obligations of the SAEM.

2. Goals and Objectives of SAEM

2.1. The main goals of SAEM are:
o Popularization of natural science; Identifying and supporting talented and promising young people and local youth groups and organizations;
o Environmental education of young people and raising environmental awareness;
o Promotion of environmental scientific-research works, with the interest and involvement of young people in it;
o Encouraging young people to support and participate in public environmental activities and environmental decision-making processes;
o Development of cooperation on environmental issues with government agencies, mass media, business and public organizations.

2.2. SAEM based on its goals:
o Organizes seminars, conferences, camps, training courses, public actions and campaigns;
o Collects, processes and distributes the information available to it;
o Participates in events and projects of other organizations;
o Resorts to peaceful forms of protest and information.

  1. SAEM membership and rights and duties of members

3.1. Only natural persons can be admitted to SAEM.
3.2. A member of SAEM can become a natural person who fully shares the objectives, principles and values of SAEM, agrees with its charter, bylaws, code of ethics and regulations and is ready to actively participate in projects, public campaigns and individual projects of SAEM in any other form permitted by the law of support in events.

3.3. There are two types of SAEM membership:
a) Real (full) membership – an individual between 18 and 30 years of age, who enjoys the right to vote at meetings.
b) Associate membership – a natural person between 14 and 17 years of age who does not have the right to vote, but can attend meetings of SAEM governing bodies and participate in SAEM events by invitation. Associate membership can also be obtained by an individual aged 18 to 30, in case of active involvement in the activities of the SAEM and not wanting to participate in the decision-making process of the SAEM.

3.4. Only natural persons between 14 and 30 years of age will be accepted as SAEM members, according to their values, ethics, qualifications and personal data in accordance with the goals and tasks of SAEM.

3.5. Acceptance as a member of SAEM is not automatic. A member of the SAEM cannot represent any organization or any other type of union in the SAEM.

3.6. A person wishing to become a member of the SAEM shall apply to the management board in a written form (application). The board decides the issue of admission to membership within three (3) months from the submission of the application. Those who wish to join the SAEM must carry out the actions prescribed by the board for those who wish to join.

3.7. SAEM membership is automatically terminated:
a) Based on their own statement;
b) In case of delay of payment of the membership fee by fourteen (14) days;
c) In case he is recognized as incapacitated by the court’s decision;
d) In case of death;
e) When the court’s guilty verdict enters into legal force against them.

3.8. A member of the SAEM may be expelled from the SAEM if:
a) His activity contradicts the goals of SAEM, damages its reputation and name or grossly violates the duties assigned to him by the current legislation and this charter;
b) Grossly violates the SAEM Code of Ethics, the SAEM Bylaws and the values and principles of the SAEM;
c) Repeatedly commits inappropriate behavior after being warned by the SAEM board about expulsion due to inappropriate behavior;
d) Does not meet the conditions that may be additionally determined by the general meeting or the board.

3.9. Expulsion of a member of the SAEM is carried out by the decision of the general meeting based on the recommendation of the board with the majority of the votes of the real members present at the session of the general meeting.

3.10. The Board of Directors may temporarily suspend the membership of a member of the SAEM if his activities contradict the goals of the association, violate the SAEM charter, the SAEM internal rules and/or the SAEM code of ethics, defame the name of the SAEM or violate the duties imposed on him by the applicable legislation and this statute. Before holding the session of the general meeting, the board is obliged to review the decision to suspend the membership of such a member, in order to either restore the suspended membership, or recommend to the general meeting about his expulsion from the SAEM.

3.11. By the decision of the general assembly, any person regardless of age can be elected as an honorary member of the SAEM. An honorary member does not have the right to vote and cannot intervene in the decision-making process of the leading bodies of the SAEM.

4. Rights of SAEM

4.1.1. Ensure the activities of the organization, to own buildings and structures, telephone, communication, transport and other means, shares and other securities;
4.1.2. Represent and protect the legal interests of its members in state bodies.
4.1.3. Conclude agreements with both Georgian and foreign organizations.
4.1.4. Join international organizations as a collective member, to have direct international contacts and connections, to conclude relevant agreements.
4.1.5. Cooperate with various foreign organizations and individuals on mutually beneficial basis.
4.1.6. Participate in events organized by other organizations, both in Georgia and abroad.
4.1.7. Engage in publishing activities according to the established rules, to have a periodical printing body.
4.1.8. Lease property from state and commercial organizations.
4.1.9. Give away, alienate or sell his property.
4.1.10. Establish commercial organizations together with individuals and legal entities.
4.1.11. Carry out other activities that do not conflict with the Constitution of Georgia, current legislation and this charter.

  1. Structure and Governing Bodies of SAEM

5.1. The governing bodies of SAEM are:
a) General Assembly
b) Board

5.2. SAEM advisory bodies are:
a) Audit commission
b) Council of mentors

5.3. General Assembly
5.3.1. The general assembly is the highest governing body of the SAEM and consist of the members of the SAEM.
5.3.2. The session of the general assembly is convened once a year and is held electronically (online). An extraordinary session of the general meeting can be called by the board or at the request of 1/3 of the members.
5.3.3. The general meeting is valid if it is attended by at least 1/2 of the members, and the issue is considered accepted if it is voted by a simple majority of the members present at the general meeting.
5.3.4. General Assembly:
o Determines the directions and forms of solving the most important tasks of the SAEM;
o Adopts resolutions proposed by the members or the board;
o Elects the SAEM board, audit commission, hears and approves their reports;
o Reviews and accepts the annual report and financial report submitted by the board;
o In order to control the spending and disposal of SAEM funds by the board, it elects the audit commission and listens to its report;
o Reviews and approves the next year’s budget of SAEM;
o If necessary, makes changes and additions to the statutes of SAEM, about which it immediately informs the registering body;
o Determines the amount of the annual membership fee based on the recommendation of the board.
o On the recommendation of the board, former members of the SAEM are granted the status of honorary members for their merits before the SAEM.
o On the recommendation of the Board, he appoints the Mentors Council from only honorary members, approves its regulations and receives advice and recommendations from it.
o Decides other important issues of SAEM.

5.4. Board

5.4.1. The board is the governing body of SAEM, which is elected by the general assembly for a term of one year and consists of 5 members:
a) President;
b) Vice-President;
c) Information Coordinator;
d) Organizational Coordinator;
e) Treas.

5.4.2. Board:
o Directs the activities of the SAEM between the sessions of the general assembly;
o Represents the SAEM and implements the decisions of the general meeting;
o Manages the funds and property of SAEM;
o Recruits, appoints and supervises salaried employees;
o Convenes the general meeting and sets the outline of the agenda, taking into account the requests of the members, which is in accordance with the charter;
o Prepares the draft budget for the next financial year and submits it to the general assembly for approval;
o Performs other functions that may be assigned by the general assembly;
o Gives proposals and recommendations to the general assembly regarding any issue;
o Submits a report to the general meeting about the work done by SAEM during the year.

6. SAEM’s Funds

6.1. SAEM’s funds are made up of: membership fees, donations from sponsors, donations from individuals and organizations, grants received from donor organizations, as well as income from economic activities and other income permitted by law.
6.2. The funds of SAEM are used only for the implementation of its statutory tasks and are used according to the cost estimates approved by the Forum.
6.3. The funds of SAEM are managed by the board according to the budget, which is approved by the general assembly and checked by the audit commission.
6.4. SAEM settles with the state budget in accordance with the current legislation.

7. Termination of SAEM’s Activity

7.1. Activity of SAEM can be terminated through reorganization, merger, unification, division or liquidation.

7.2. Reorganization or liquidation is carried out:

  1. a) Based on the decision of the general assembly of SAEM members, if more than 2/3 of the members participating in the general assembly voted for it.
  2. b) If the SAEM systematically violates the requirements of the current legislation, the authorized state body may issue a resolution on the termination of the society’s activities.

7.3. The liquidation is carried out in the following manner: the general meeting creates a liquidation commission, at the disposal of which the property and funds of the SAEM are transferred, which are distributed in accordance with the applicable legislation.

7.4. SAEM loses the rights of a person from the date of registration of its liquidation in the relevant state body.

7.5. Notice of liquidation of SAEM is published in the press and other means of mass information.